Adjectives to Describe a Person French

Describing a person in French isnt something we tend to do every day. Personality Words French Adjectives.

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Actif -ve - active.

. On this page you will learn 84 words for how to describe personality traits in French. Ambitieux -se - ambitious. Click to Rate Really Liked It.

Pay attention that in French hair has a plural. 30 rows When describing someone use être and remember to make the adjective agree with the persons. Il est sympa He is nice.

If you would like to describe their personality there is a separate lesson for that. Did I go too fast here. 31 rows Try describing your personality in French in the comment section below.

Philippe and Olivier are also using adjectives describing. Here are a few examples. When answering these questions you can describe physical and personality traits of the person you are referring to.

It will not be long before you these words become a natural part of your French vocabulary. By susansyb9 Jan. A simple table of French adjectives to describe personality.

However French adjectives to describe personality and mood are far more commonly used. Click card to see. Click to Rate Didnt Like It.

Click to Rate Hated It. Then you can describe your family la famille a friend un ami une amie or a neighbour un voisin une voisine. Il est fatigué He is tired.

Describe people in French This online audio lesson will teach you how to describe people in FrenchWith these French adjectives on hand youll be able to talk about a persons appearance in French and the kind of person they are as well. Click again to see term. Ilelle est de taille moyenne.

In French you need the masculine form of an adjective when talking about. List of adjectives to describe someones personality in french Charismatique charismatic courageuxcourageuse courageous Dynamique dynamic créatifcréative. French adjectives to describe a person.

Il est gentil means he is nice. Click card to see definition. In the right-hand column youll also find the related nouns vocabulary when applicable.

There are some french adjectives to describe a person. In addition to this page you might be interested in the following vocabulary lists. Now imagine that you are at a party and you are talking about a person une personne.

Bon m Bonne f good. List Of Adjectives To Describe People Describe A Person Adjectives To Describe People List Of Adjectives Adjectives For Kids Share. Click on the image below to download the worksheet.

Students are given either the masculine the feminine or the English word and must fill in the other two. Elle est calme means she is quiet. To describe a person we use adjectives such as tall short nice funny smart.

It is a description about me moi in French. No comments for Adjectives With I to Describe a Person Post a Comment. Popular Total Pageviews Powered by Blogger Labels a Adjectives Adjustable Be Car Days Declarative Do for Headrest in Mood.

Adjectives Describing Personality. Il a de l humour means he is humorous. Learn adjectives describing describe people french with free interactive flashcards.

Elle est timide means She is shy. Alright lets break it down. Vous êtes triste You are sad.

Tap again to see term. French - Adjectives To Describe People. Tap card to see definition.

The word la corpulence describes a persons stoutness or bulkiness. It can describe a persons height body size as well as waistline. Elle est amicale means she is friendly.

Here are some adjectives in alphabetical order the ending in parentheses is the feminine ending. Choose from 500 different sets of adjectives describing describe people french flashcards on Quizlet. Click to Rate Liked It.

Click to Rate Loved It. Nous sommes fachés We are angry. Je suis content I am happy.

To describe people it is also very important to learn some adjectives that describe the appearance or personality of someone. The French word la taille is a mixed bag. These words are adjectives and in the table below weve provided both the masculine and feminine forms.

The irregular adjectives are adjectives that dont follow the same patterns that most French adjectives do. In order to do so you will use a pronoun il elle or a noun Sara Paul a verb être avoir an adjective court grand and some vocabulary. You can practice both lessons by describing your friends les amis m or amies f and family la familie or anyone that you encounter.

La moustache - mustache. An answer sheet with the solution highlighted in red is also available here. Heshe is an average height.

Elle est intelligente means she is intelligent.

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